University of Montana Chamber Chorale
Southwark Cathedral
As part of their European tour, the University of Montana Chamber Chorale, directed by Coreen Duffy, are delighted to perform this beautiful programme in Southwark Cathedral, London.
The Concert Programme
Kyrie Zanaida Robles (b. 1979)
Von 55 Engelgn behütet (Protected by 55 Angels) Wolfram Buchenberg (b. 1962)
D’ror Yikra (God will Proclaim Freedom) Three Sephardic Melodies
arr. Yehezkal Braun (1922-2014)
Benjamin Medina-Caplis, percussion
Heather Adams, choreography
Il bianco e dolce cigno (The White and Gentle Swan) Jacques Arcadelt (1507-1568)
Itene, ò miei sospiri (Go now, my sighs) Gesualdo Carlo da Venosa (ca. 1566-1613)
Anmwe (A Cry of Pain) Sydney Guillaume (b. 1980)
Anela Thomas, soprano
Fünf Gesänge, Op. 104 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
3. Letzes Glück (Last Bit of Happiness)
4. Verlorene Jugend (Lost Youth)
Yukamuli-uta (Song of Spa) Ko Matsushita (b. 1962)
Ubi caritas Ko Matsushita