Spirit and Light

Southwark Cathedral

The sublime notes from the choir and orchestra transported our audience to an ethereal place of contentment and serenity during Spirit and Light! LUX - The Dawn From On High for upper voices, by Dan Forrest, received its London premiere; and Vox Anima London was delighted to welcome Philip Stopford, as Composer-in-Residence for the first time, as we presented his Missa Deus Nobiscum.

Photographer's Gallery

The Concert Programme

Missa Deus Nobiscum

by Philip W.J. Stopford

Joe Wilkinson - Conductor

Alabama Symphony Orchestra Chorus, Alabama, USA

Oxford Civic Chorus, Mississippi, USA

Helena High School, Alabama, USA

Haverfordwest Ladies Choir, Pembrokeshire, Wales

Mayfield Festival Choir, East Sussex, England

First United Methodist Church, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

Vox Populi, Kent, England

LUX: The Dawn From On High (for Upper Voices)

by Dan Forrest

Dr James M Meaders - Conductor

Vox Anima Chamber Choir, Kent, England